Making an ElementTreeFactory

First, a quick test

Hands up if you have:

Methods of generating XML/HTML

Method 1: DOM

Advantages: Built into Python ... err ... that's it
Disadvantages: Too numerous to mention

Method 2: ElementTree

Advantages: Built into Python, simple, fast
Disadvantages: Geared toward processing rather than construction of XML/HTML

Method 3: Genshi's ElementFactory

Advantages: Beautiful code, insanely simple, fast
Disadvantages: Geared toward construction rather than processing of XML/HTML

By way of demonstration...

By way of demonstration, let's create the following document manually in each:

  <imdb href="" />

DOM version

import xml.dom

impl = xml.dom.getDOMImplementation()
doc = impl.createDocument('', 'movie', '')
title = doc.createElement('title')
genre = doc.createElement('genre')
imdb = doc.createElement('imdb')
imdb.setAttribute('href', '')

print doc.toxml('UTF-8')

ElementTree version

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et

doc = et.Element('movie')
et.SubElement(doc, 'title').text = 'Serenity'
et.SubElement(doc, 'genre').text = 'science-fiction'
et.SubElement(doc, 'imdb').attrib['href'] = ''

print et.tostring(doc)

Genshi ElementFactory version

import genshi.builder

tag = genshi.builder.ElementFactory()

Question 1: What if we could construct an "ElementTreeFactory" combining the post-processing advantages of ElementTree with the simple interface of Genshi's ElementFactory (which is clearly the most elegant of the three examples we've seen)?

Question 2: How does Genshi know about my made-up <movie> element?

__getattr__ and __call__ magic

Genshi's ElementFactory overrides __getattr__ to generate Element instances. The code (simplified) looks like this:

class ElementFactory(object):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return Element(name)
    # ...

Meanwhile, the Element class overrides __call__ to set attributes and append content based on its parameters. The code (again simplified) is as follows:

class Element(object):
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.attrib |= kwargs_to_attrs(kwargs)
        for arg in args:

    def append(self, node):
        # ...


First, a utility routine to append content to Elements. This turns out to be a little complex, due to ElementTree's separation of .text and .tail:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et

class ElementTreeFactory(object):
    def _append(self, node, contents):
        # If the content is a string, decide which element's
        # text or tail property it gets assigned to
        if isinstance(contents, basestring) and contents:
            if len(node) == 0:
                if node.text is None:
                    node.text = contents
                    node.text += contents
                last = node[-1]
                if last.tail is None:
                    last.tail = contents
                    last.tail += contents
        # If the content is an element, simply append it to this
        elif et.iselement(contents):
            contents.tail = ''
        # Otherwise, try treating it as an iterable
            for content in contents:
                self._append(node, content)


Next, something to construct an Element with content from positional arguments and attributes from keyword arguments:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et

class ElementTreeFactory(object):
    def _append(self, node, contents):
        # ...

    def _element(self, _name, *args, **kwargs):
        # Construct the Element with all attributes from kwargs
        e = et.Element(_name, dict(
            (key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems()
            if value is not None and value is not False
        # Append the content from args
        for args in args:
            self._append(e, arg)
        return e


Finally, the magic __getattr__ bit from Genshi, with some added caching for performance:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et

class ElementTreeFactory(object):
    def _append(self, node, contents):
        # ...

    def _element(self, _name, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        # Generate a method to deal with this tag
        def create_elem(*args, **kwargs):
            return self._element(elem_name, *args, **kwargs)
        # Add the method to the factory
        setattr(self, name, create_elem)
        return generator

Test drive

The resulting class allows us to construct documents like this:

tag = ElementTreeFactory()

print et.tostring(
            tag.title('Boring Management Report')
            tag.h1('Boring Management Report'),
                    for row in dataset

Okay, that's all very nice, but how is it any better than Genshi's ElementFactory?

Overriding stuff

Remember that __getattr__ is only called if the attribute is not found on the class? We can supply our own versions of methods to customize the output (this is an actual example complete with genuine corporate stupidity)

class W3ElementTreeFactory(ElementTreeFactory):
    def _add_class(self, elem, cls):
        classes = set(elem.attrib.get('class', '').split())
        elem.attrib['class'] = ' '.join(classes)

    def hr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Output <div class="hrule-dots"> instead of <hr>
        result = self._element('div', ' ', **kwargs)
        self._add_class(result, 'hrule-dots')
        return result

Overriding more stuff

Here's a more complex example (again from the real world):

class W3ElementTreeFactory(ElementTreeFactory):
    def _add_class(self, elem, cls):
        # ...

    def hr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def table(self, *args, **kwargs):
        table = self._element('table', *args, **kwargs)
        # If there is a <thead> element in content, apply the
        # 'blue-dark' CSS class to all rows in it
        thead = table.find('thead')
        if thead:
            for tr in thead.findall('tr'):
                self._add_class(tr, 'blue-dark')
        # Find the <tbody> element and apply even and odd classes
        # to the rows within it
        tbody = table.find('tbody')
        if tbody:
            for n, tr in enumerate(tbody.findall('tr')):
                self._add_class(tr, ['odd', 'even'][n % 2])
        return table

Final Thoughts

Some more examples of things I've done with the ElementTreeFactory:

In conclusion:


