So, Holly's been away …

… in san Francisco

… at the Stanford Synchrotron

… playing with fossils

… in a particle accelerator

But I'm not jealous …

Now she's back with 50Gb of data

And I stupidly ask …

This is a user interface…


function create_tiffs

inputFolder = '/home/holly/Desktop/pterosaur/RAS files'
outputFolder8 = '/home/holly/Desktop/pterosaur/8 Bit TIFFs'
outputFolder16 = '/home/holly/Desktop/pterosaur/16 Bit TIFFs'
channel_file = 'Channels HZ.txt'
bin_list = [1]
% bin_list = [1 2 4 8]

files_info = dir([inputFolder '/*.RAS'])
files = {}
for ifile = 1: length(files_info)
    files{ifile} = files_info(ifile).name

channels = {'XX', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Pbli', 'Pbla', 'Pblb', 'Ca', 'Br', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Tika', 'Tikb', 'ES', 'ICR', 'Nika', 'none'}

So I built a script

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

Attempt #1: Console

So I set out to build a GUI…

But which toolkit?

But which toolkit?


But which toolkit?



GUI #1: GTK3

GUI #1: GTK3

GUI #2: GTK2 (PyGTK)

GUI #2: GTK2 (PyGTK)

GUI #3: PySide

GUI #3: PySide

GUI #4: PyQT4

GUI #4: PyQT4

Conclusion - Toolkits

